Video games can make you smarter and train your brain in an effective and relaxed way. For example, when playing a video game, you have to think about how to solve a problem, and this can help develop logical skills. Fine motor skills can also be improved by having to manipulate controls to play. Video games can also help improve memory, as you need to remember how to do things in order to progress through the game.When you play a video game you are not passively watching a video, as is the case on social media or television. The mind is active and develops various activities in parallel: decision-making, precision, adaptation to new situations, teamwork in online games, search for imaginative solutions and other tasks that science recognizes as intelligence training.LIST OF GAMES IN 4 CATEGORIESCALCULATION ⦁ Math vs Bat ⦁ Count Faster! ⦁ Laddu Champion ⦁ Cross The Bridge ⦁ Numbers Challenge CONCENTRATION⦁ Chroma Challenge ⦁ Rise Higher ⦁ Flip Jump ⦁ Knife Dart ⦁ Ant Smash ⦁ Dont Mess Up ⦁ Muay Thai Training ⦁ Whack A Mole ⦁ Lock Master ⦁ Drift Boss ⦁ Spore Hunter ⦁ Mini Golf Adventure ⦁ Duck Carnival Shoot ⦁ Tripoly LOGIC ⦁ Bill The Bowman ⦁ Fill The Gap ⦁ Bricked ⦁ Jewels Blocks Puzzle ⦁ Jewel Crush ⦁ Sheep Fight ⦁ Color Pipes ⦁ Puzzle Ball ⦁ Ships & Monsters ⦁ 2048 Dragon Island ⦁ Leave Me Alone ⦁ Paper Planes ⦁ Trixology MEMORY ⦁ Stack The Burger ⦁ Echo Simon ⦁ Hangman